The Qureshi Family

The Qureshi Family

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Waiting is Over!!!

Noah is Finally Home

These past 11 days have been crazy! In many ways everything has changed and in others, it feels like Noah has always been with us. He is doing so well and adjusting more quickly than I thought. For those that don't know, Nasser traveled with his father to Ethiopia because I wasn't allowed to because I am pregnant and high risk, so it wasn't safe for me to go. My amazing husband took on the task of flying on an airplane for over 16  hours with a one and a half year old. I owe him big time!! The four days that Nasser was away bringing our son home were the longest four days of my life. It is crazy to know that with the arrival of an airplane, you whole life will change. This little person, who is not a tiny baby is just supposed to come home and accept you as his parents and adapt to all of this change. We had prayed and begged God for this precious child, and he is finally here!
Can I just take a moment to say that I have the absolute most amazing friends in the world. My girlfriends; Katie, Chandler, Amy, Alexis, and Kim planned the coolest homecoming. They made banners, brought balloons, took video and pictures and made shirts for Noah's homecoming. Amy made Nasser, Noah, Kadyn and me special Ethiopia shirts, that I will forever treasure. We were so loved on by all of our friends. So many people came out to show us their support and love. My heart is full.

 getting ready for the plane to arrive
 kids working on the welcome banner
 me and alexis
 addison's cool africa shirt

erica, amy and walker kennedy

 this is my beautiful friend katie. she is the one taking all of the the pictures and planned this amazing homecoming. i had to pull a pic from facebook, cause she is not in any of these pictures:(

 me and my god-daughter Madelyn

chandler, addison, me and madelyn

 kids having fun

michael and samantha

 samantha, addison, harper and ansleigh

adam and reid-man

 he is almost here.....

 avery, kadyn and colton
 nasser walking off the plane

 family of four!

 first time seeing balloons

hanging with uncle adam

my adoption mama's - jessica with eli and heidi with jonas - incredible women, would not have made it through this crazy ride without them
one happy mama
     So, the first three days were hard. Mr. Man did not want to sleep at all. He would wake up every 45 minutes screaming and would only sleep if I held him or rocked him. That sounds sweet til it's like 4am and I haven't slept at all and I know we have a busy day ahead of us. So, I just had to make some choices that were good for our family and thankfully he is sleeping peacefully on his own all night. Nap time is still difficult, but everyday is getting better. My wonderful friend Jessica made Noah all of this delicious Ethiopian food to help him adjust, and we have spent time with our friends that have Ethiopian children. I can tell he feels so comforted to see familiar faces.

     As each day goes by Noah is more affectionate to us, and learning new words. He really is settling in and we are getting adjusted to being a family of four. I just want to thank those of you that have prayed for our family as we have gone through this journey. We praise God for his continued blessings, and for allowing us to be Noah's parents.